These Days

These days, she does her makeup a little different

Putting on a little more concealer and a little more rouge

She colors her hair, and leaves it down

On the outside, she feels like a new woman

But deep down, nothing much has changed

She's that same girl she's always been

With insecurities and quirks

The same girl who never thought she was quite enough

The same girl who just never really fit in

Truth be told, she still loves that girl

Who busted her butt for everything she got

She's learned to see that who she is, is who she supposed to be

The flaws, and mistakes, and imperfections

All make her who she is

They are reminders of the storms she's faced, the mountains she's climbed, and the rainbows she's seen

She ain't perfect, but she ain't broken

And she's perfectly fine with that



While You’re Alive


My Heart will Never Forget You…