Pray Over the Mess

Pray over the mess.

Instead of cussing the pile of dirty dishes, I've started praying over them. Praying for the hands that made the mess. Praying for the person that cooked the food, and the ones who ate it.

When it comes to laundry, I can be found praying for the child whose undies are still attached to their inside-out jeans, and the man whose socks almost stand on their own.

Sometimes I pray for the dog that tore open the garbage sack, and the cat that knocked the glass of water over. For the cows that got out, the horses who eat all our hay, and the deer that eat the hay the horses miss.

I pray for the child that leaves her stuff on the stairs, and the one who steals my brush. I pray for the man who steals my heart, and who pushes all of my buttons.

I'm not great at it, and sometimes the prayers include pleas for them to stop making messes. Pleas for them to help out more, to be more responsible, and to be less irritating. Sometimes the prayers just don't come, and I curse instead. Perhaps that's just balance.

Either way, I've learned that I feel better when I pray for the mess makers instead being mad about the mess. Just life everything in life, the mess is where the memories are made.

Although it's not perfect and far from consistent, I am learning to just pray over the mess.



My Heart will Never Forget You…

