Your Family Needs You

In the words of a very kind man that I love, your mental health is worth more than anything.

Your family needs you.

The last few years have been an emotional roller coaster for so many of us. And for many of us in production agriculture, it feels like we can't win for losing.

Cows can be replaced, and crops can be replanted. Jobs can be found, finances can be rebuilt - but you, my sweet friend, are irreplaceable.

If you need someone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, I pray you can find someone you trust. Reach out- heck, shoot me a message and I will pray for you!

Life is so precious. Have faith, and don't give up hope. You are loved more than you know!

If you live in Montana and need some help finding a counselor, I highly suggest checking out this program through our state Department of Ag: I've never used it, but a friend shared, and I think it is a great option for producers who may be facing a challenging season.





I Want Less…