Stop Rocking.

"Anxiety and fear are like a rocking chair - they use a lot of energy, but don't get you anywhere."

(-Random misquote from the internet, probably.)

After having a long day of fighting with my oldest daughter yesterday and realizing something just wasn't right, we had a long talk about what was really bothering her.

She blurted out a laundry list of the things weighing heavily on her little 11 year old heart, and my heart shattered into about a million pieces.

Anxiety over our messed up world already plagues her, and we don't even watch the news. She doesn't get to be on social media; hell, I rarely even turn the radio on. But she sees and heard more than I realize. It hurts that I can't fix this world for her, but I reminded her that I am always here to listen to her fears. I also reminded her that Jesus is always listening, and if she'd just give him a chance, she might feel better just bending his ear.

Once she was asleep in her bed, I walked out of my house to the most incredible sky I've seen in a long time. Rays of light shot straight up from the sun into the vastness of the Montana sky, as if the sun's own spirit was leaving it for the day. Huge, dark clouds in every other direction made the bright orange glow of the sun seem even more vibrant and I just stood there in awe of the silent beauty. God never fails to remind me that even in our fallen world, He is always with us. There's no need to cling to the worries of our future, because He's already got that all worked out.

"... It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8 ESV




