Own It

Own it.

Whatever it is that you are amazing at, own it.
Whatever it is that you are proud of, own it.

College degrees and certifications have their place, but titles earned from the school of hard knocks- well those, my friend, are the ones that you should be the most proud of. Own them.

Maybe you are a writer without a journalism degree. You are still a writer.

Maybe you are a rancher, because you married into it, and although you have a lot to learn, you are choosing to make the best of this new life. You are still a rancher.

It doesn't matter what "it" is. We all have things that we love to do, and are really good at, even if we don't have a degree or any formal training.

I think so many of us are afraid to take ownership of our gifts, because we live in a society where formal education and a piece of paper appear to be more important than experience and heart.

My challenge to you, and to myself, is to start owning what makes you unique and amazing. Be humble and kind about it, but don't sell yourself short. God made you a one of a kind for a reason- embrace it, and own it.


photo credits: the incredibly talented @annieophotos


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