
We wear it like a badge of honor.

So much to do
So many places to be
So much going on.

We answer everything with how busy we are.

Too busy to get together
Too busy to relax
Too busy to do anything but yet the calendar remains full.

Activities. Occasions. Work.

Things fill up our planners, our days, and even our nights.

Yet, are we really living?

When was the last time you had a free night at home to watch a movie with your kids?
When was the last time you were bored and just opened a book to lose yourself?
When was the last time you sat with a friend and just talked, without feeling the hurried, rushed need to be somewhere else?

Who wants it written on their tombstone that they were just. too. busy.?

I'm as guilty as anyone for "being busy". Life happens, sure, and some seasons are busier than others- but I love white space on my calendar. I love knowing that maybe I will have nothing that has to be done tomorrow, so I can just be or do whatever moves me.

Life is so short. Don't schedule yourself, or your family, to death. Life shouldn't be spent being so busy that you miss out on the living.

❤️ Richelle

Stop and smell the roses. For reals.


Throwing a Hail Mary


To That Woman-